Historica has accumulated a vast amount of resources over the years. We will gladly search our holdings for historical and genealogical information upon request. In cases where it does not violate copyright law, we can provide digital images to researchers. For special research and look-up requests, please contact us via email at info@researchandrecords.com or through our online Contact page. Be sure to mention what you are searching for with as many details as possible. We will email you a research proposal and/or price quote.
Currently, our online catalog reflects our holdings concerning Pennsylvania, parts of New York and New Jersey and other states, and limited resources for Wales. We possess a wide variety of materials from general histories to specific family histories, city directories, society publications and military unit histories. As we grow, we will make available pdf indexes for each resource and convert them to searchable formats. Be sure to follow us on our social media pages (Facebook & Twitter) or sign up for our mailing list to be informed of updates.